60 Day Dispensing. Is it realy worth it?

 If 60 day dispensing is implemented the public will receive 2 packs (60 daysof medications) for the price of 1 pack. Sounds great eh.

But what are the consequences
For pharmacies: They will only receive 1 dispensing fee and as a result their income will halve. Many pharmacies will close as a result and most will increase charges to try to stave off going broke.

Does this worry the public. Well consider all pharmacy services that were free or delivered at a small cost will now be charged at full cost. That's no free deliveries to elderly and infirmed. No free BP checks, No medication packed into a weekly pack at only a small charge and importantly NO extended hours, no opening on Sundays and public holidays.

Think about it... Is it worth the risk of not being able to get your medications late at night?

Contact your MP and say NO to 60 day dispensing

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